Saturday, January 29, 2011


Harsha (Ram Charan Teja) is an energetic and carefree bike racer. One day, he accidentally touches Indu (Kajal Aggarwal). He feels strange vibrations. He runs to the bus stand where Indu is standing. As he doesn't see her face, he asks Indu unknowingly if she saw a girl wearing a white dress. Indu meanwhile changes her dress. With an intention of playing a prank on Harsha, she replies yes. This is followed by a sequence of humorous, yet subtly emotional events where Indu tries to identify if Harsha truly loves her and Harsha unknowingly impresses Indu with his love. Just as Indu begins to fall in love with Harsha, Raghu Veer (Dev Gill) meets her and gets smitten by her. He decides he must have her at any cost. A series of events get Harsha to realize that the girl whom he meets daily is the same Indu whom he accidentally touched. With the help of Sunil, he gets Indu to accept her love for him. During this process, Indu's father sees both of them getting intimate and rushes to confront Harsha.
Getting visions of his previous life and mistaking Indu's father for a king, Harsha proceeds to kill her father. The attempt is foiled. Having realized his folly, Harsha rushes to Indu's place to apologize. Using this as a chance, Raghu Veer makes sure Indu sees him trying to strangulate her father while Raghu Veer actually kills him. As Raghu Veer tries to escape, Harsha grabs hold of the helicopter and as they escape, Raghu Veer sees all the signs that his astrologer has talked about of a warrior who existed 400 years ago at whose hands he died and who'd take birth again to win his love. As he holds on to the helicopter, Indu touches Harsha's hand forcing strange vibrations following which he lets go and falls into a lake where he has visions of his previous birth.
The year is 1604. Kaala Bhairava (Ram Charan Teja) is the most formidable and honored warrior in the kingdom of Udaigarh. His family has been protecting the kingdom and royal family for generations. Yuvarani Mithravinda Devi (Kajal Aggarwal) is the princess and heir apparent to the throne. Her cousin Senadhipathi Ranadev Billa (Dev Gill) is head guard and is attracted towards Mithra. Sher Khan (Sri Hari), portrayed as a king who has never lost a battle is waiting outside Udaigarh planning an invasion. Bhairava and Mithra are in love. Ranadev Billa who is jealous of Kaala Bhairava forces a competition demanding that the winner would be worthy of both the throne of Udaigarh and the hand of Mithravinda. Mithravinda demands that the loser of the competition be exiled, thus proving her confidence in Kaala Bhairava. As she expects, Kaala Bhairava wins and Ranadev is exiled. Mithravinda's father, the king, asks Kaala Bhairava a favor of not marrying Mithravinda to which he reluctantly agrees.
To guarantee a victory in the upcoming war with Sher Khan, the head-priest of Mithravinda's kingdom asks to perform a ritual at a sacred Shiva shrine. As the ritual is being performed, Mithravinda again proves her love for Kaala Bhairava. Just as the ritual nears completion, a messenger comes to inform Kaala Bhairava that Sher Khan has attacked and with the help of Ranadev Billa who's turned traitor, he has killed Mithravinda's father. The entire army of Sher Khan along with Ranadev Billa comes to capture and kill Mithravinda. Sher Khan taunts Kaala Bhairava saying that if he kills one hundred of Sher Khan's soldiers, he'd accept defeat. This is because each descendant Kaala Bhairava's clan is famous for not dying in a war without killing at least hundred of the enemy's soldiers. Kaala Bhairava manages to kill hundred soldiers, but in the process, gets terribly injured. In the ensuing battle, Kaala Bhairava kills Ranadev Billa, but not before he hurts Mithravinda. As Mithravinda falls of the cliff, Kaala Bhairava jumps of the cliff too trying to catch her, but failing to do so, the reason why he feels vibrations whenever he touches her in the present life.
As the portrayal shifts to the current time, Harsha is rescued by Solomon (Sri Hari). Harsha kidnaps Indu from the clutches of Raghu Veer. He tries to convince Indu about his life and their previous life, but to no avail. He decides to take her to the place where they were killed in their past life. As Raghu Veer follows them, Indu remembers the painting she made in her previous life out of her blood to prove her love towards the then Kaala Bhairava, she recollects all the experiences of her previous life. In the battle which follows Harsha kills Raghu Veer with the same dagger as that of last time and saves Indu.
The movie ends with Harsha and Indu on one side of the cliff asking Solomon who is on the other side to get proper help to get them to the other side as they both rest.

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