Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Gopi (Venu) works for an orchestra group and Gopika is a doctor who runs a mobile clinic on a launch. A wrong connection on the phone, and they get talking to each other, exchange gifts and love blossoms between the strangers. Gopika's mother Jayalalitha wants her to marry another doctor Shyam Prasad but she insists on marrying Gopi. The duo plan to meet but that doesn't materialize. Gopi is on an impromptu visit to see Gopika but he meets with an accident and his memory breaks down but eventually lands up on her mobile clinic and the lady nurses him back to health. He is named Prabhu. Gopika continues her effort to trace him but gives up when she learns that Gopi is dead. She even complies with her mother's request and get's into the bridal attire to take vows with Shyam. Just then it's revealed that Prabhu is Gopi and what follows rest is everyone's guess.

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