Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The plot opens with portraying Divya (Revathi) as a very mischievous and naughty girl of the family, despite her mother's warnings about strictness of her father. But her father is not strict which surprises her. She later understands that his lack of strictness is due to a marriage proposal. Unwilling to get married, she comes back home late on the day of bride meeting ceremony so that groom's family will reject her. But groom Chandrakumar (Mohan)and his family are patiently waiting to meet her. Divya behaves like an arrogant woman but Chandrakumar continues to show interest in her. But Divya rejects it which shocks her father and he gets heart attack. In order to make her father happy she unwillingly marries Chandrakumar. But she behaves rudely with him, hurts his feelings by asking for a divorce when he presents a gift for first time after marriage. Chandrakumar wants to know the reason for all her activities, Divya explains that she cannot love him because she has already loved another person in her life.
It was during her college days once she meets a man Manohar (Karthik) along with his gang attacking the son of a M.P. She considers it as a gang theft and reports to police.But later she finds that the robery done because the M.Ps son had run his car over a poor girl.To spend money for medical treatment of that girl, he robbed him. After knowing this she brings him from police station and feels sorry for him. Manohar falls for her and tries to win her love. Divya initially rejects his love but accepts later. Manohar is a member of a revolutionary troop which plans an illegal rally. Divya hates his participation in it.But Manohar is not ready to give it up. But later he decides to stay away from it to prove her that she is important for him. Manohar urges her to marry him the next day. On the day of marriage Manohar is charged for participating and attacking police men in the rally on the previous day. While crossing the marriage register office he attempts to escape. Police while chasing accidentally shoot him and Manohar dies.
Chandrakumar is ready to forget her past and live with her but Divya is not ready to live with him and both file divorce. But since they are newly married they can get it only after completing at least one year of their marriage. Divya lives with Chandrakumar and she slowly gets attracted towards him. But Chandrakumar avoids all of her interests in him, since after one year she will not be with him and so he does want to enjoy her companionship. But Divya develops a passion for him day by day. Once Chandrakumar is badly attacked by his colleagues for suspension of an employee. Divya struggles to save his life. After his discharge from hospital she renders her service as a wife. But chandrakumar politely neglects it which hurts Divya. But Divya understood her love for him finally and she wants to reveal it to her husband by wearing the anklets which was gifted by him for the first time. But he is irritated by her amateur acts and asks her to leave to parent's home and even books tickets for her travel. Until Divya leaves the house both of them are not ready to share their feelings about her cancellation of the trip. While she was about to depart Chandrakumar gives her the divorce paper which she asked as a gift. But Divya bursts out and she finally admits that she loves him more than anything in this world and she would wait for him till he realise it and leaves. Chandrakumar finally realised the true love of his wife and catches her from the moving train. Both of them return back happily with lots of love in their heart

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